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San Marcos Begins Construction On ADA Trails In Purgatory Creek, Prospect Park Natural Areas

Construction began Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2019, to make several trails ADA accessible at Purgatory Creek and Prospect Park Natural Areas. There will be various trail closures during this construction.

The public is asked to not go on closed trails during the construction process and to be observant of heavy equipment that will be utilizing various trails during this time.

For more information, contact Bert Stratemann at bstratemann@sanmarcostx.gov.

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One Comment

  1. It would be nice to start taking ADA PARKING PLACARDS that do not belong where they are being used by. I saw a truck in HEB’s parking lot. It was loaded with large tools and 3 ladders on the rack. Passed by it and yep, there it was, that blue disabled parking permit. Where in San Marcos and KYLE can folks with legitimate disabilities actually park ?

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