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San Marcos Calls Non-Profits, Agencies To Apply For Additional CDBG-CV Funding For Housing & Business Relief

The City of San Marcos is accepting applications through December 30, 2020, from non-profit organizations, government agencies, and City departments for Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus Response (CDBG-CV) funding for the Design and Administration of a COVID-19 Emergency Housing and Business Relief Program. 

This funding is designated for qualified and capable subrecipients who will administer programs for individuals and businesses. 

The City is not accepting applications from individuals who need personal housing or other financial assistance through this application process.

The City of San Marcos will receive $567,825 in CDBG-CV Round Three funding for immediate use upon acceptance of a substantial amendment to the City’s 2019 CDBG Action Plan by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 

The objective of the program is to lessen the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic by providing emergency payments to individuals, families, and businesses of up to three months’ rent, mortgage, and/or utilities, either to prevent eviction or to clear the eviction-related debt that is negatively impacting the beneficiary’s ability to obtain housing or a commercial space.

Subrecipients are invited to submit applications for designing and administering program delivery for both Emergency Housing Relief for Individuals and Emergency Business Relief or for either single funding relief program.

Applications may be downloaded at http://sanmarcostx.gov/3065/CDBG-Action-Plans. A completed application must be submitted to cdbg@sanmarcostx.gov by Wednesday, Dec. 30, at 5 PM.

For additional information please contact Carol Griffith, Community Initiatives Program Administrator, at 512.393.8147 or by e-mail to cgriffith@sanmarcostx.gov.

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