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San Marcos City Council To Consider Amendment To New Fire Station #2 Design-Build Agreement

Staff Reports

On Wednesday, the San Marcos City Council is slated to consider approving the first amendment to a design-build agreement for the new Fire Nation No. 2.

The amendment to the agreement with Flintco, LLC will set the final guaranteed maximum price for the construction of the new Fire Station in the amount of $5,367,405.00.

The Council approved the Design-Build Agreement with Flintco, LLC, for pre-construction phase services in the amount of $359,357.00 on May 21, 2019. The final approved contract price will be $5,728,762.00; this includes the pre-construction phase services. 

According to the agenda, the proposed design-build agreement was the second contract award of the 2017 Bond Initiatives; the development of the new fire station is located off of Centerpoint Road and will provide greater support and service to the southwest area of the city.

The agenda states the Guaranteed Maximum Price is the total cost of work for the new fire station including hard construction costs, general conditions costs, design-builder fee and owner contingency.

Staff reported inflation over the past few years and additional site development costs caused a cost overrun from the initial 2017 bond approved project budget.

According to the agenda, with the input of the Fire Chief Les Stephens, a list of nonprogram related scope items and design features were pulled from the project to reduce the GMP and help mitigate the cost overrun.

The floor space of the 2nd floor of the project has been reduced by approximately 2,000 square feet among other things.

The agenda states “in addition to the cost-saving design changes, Flintco presented a final GMP proposal with zero design-build contingency and reduced their prior approved general condition fee by $107,814. The City’s Finance Department has identified additional funds to supplement the project without having to further reprioritize the City’s Capital Improvement Program.”

Construction is anticipated to begin in December 2019 after the City of San Marcos and Texas Commission for Environmental Quality approve the sitework design.

The revised schedule projects the fire station will be completed in October 2020.

SM City Council will convene in the City Council Chambers at City Hall at 6:00 PM tonight.

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