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San Marcos City Council To Consider New Roof For Two City Properties, 2019-2020 Budget Policy Statement

Staff Reports

On Tuesday, March 5, the San Marcos City Council will consider several items related to the maintenance of city property and the approval of a budget policy statement for preparation of the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Budget.

Council is slated to consider approving the award of two construction contracts to Ultimate Roofing System for the replacement of roofing at the San Marcos Regional Animal Shelter and the Price Center.

According to the agenda, the San Marcos Regional Animal Shelter is comprised of three different roofing systems ranging from 12 to 19 years old; the existing roofs are screw-down R-panel and are high maintenance.

The contract award will issue Ultimate Roofing Systems of Cedar Park $108,904.04 to install a Durolast roof, which will prevent further maintenance and increase the energy efficiency of the facility. The contract award is made through the Interlocal Purchasing System Cooperative.

According to the agenda, the City of San Marcos accepted the donation of the property known as the Price Center “for the purpose of providing the City of San Marcos with a facility to be used for youth and/or senior citizen activity programs.”

The property is currently leased by the Greater San Marcos Area Seniors Association until December 31, 2028.

The agenda states the Price Center is comprised of five different roofing system ranging from 18 to 25 years old and is a mixture of asphalt shingles and metal with “numerous leaks.”

The proposed new roof is a galvalume standing seam roof, which will require less maintenance, according to the agenda.

Council will consider awarding Ultimate Roofing System of Cedar Park a contract in the amount of $89,938.35 to install a replacement roof at the Price Center.

City Council will also consider approving the renewal of an agreement with Gene Bagwell doing business as Maintenance Management for the management and operation of the San Marcos Cemetery in the amount of $148,345.34.

According to the agenda, the city’s contract with Maintenance Management ends March 31, 2019, and can be extended “nine additional one-year periods.” This year will mark the second one-year extension to the contract.

The City of San Marcos has the option to adjust the contract price for any extension on a “percentage equal to the new percentage change from the previous year in the Consumer Price Index for Wage Earners and Clerical Workers as published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.”

If exercised, the CPI adjustment would increase the contract price to $148,345.34 by 2.2 percent or $3,263.60. If renewed, the term of the contract will be April 1, 2019, to March 31, 2020.

Staff is recommending the Council increase the contract extension by the 2.2 percent to $151,608.94. Since the contract extends across two fiscal years, the cost to the city of San Marcos for fiscal year 2019 will be $75,804.47.

In other news, the city council will consider approving an Advance Funding Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation for improvements to the intersection at Hunter Road and Wonder World Drive.

The improvements will include the installation of median islands for pedestrian refuge, pedestrian poles with an audible pedestrian system, restriping of the intersection crosswalks, reconstruction of sidewalks and curb ramps and the installation of new striping for new bicycle lanes for safe and efficient bicycle movements through the intersection.

The city is estimated to pay $28,126.00 to TxDOT for the improvements. 

Finally, San Marcos City Council will consider a resolution to officially oppose the Kinder Morgan Permian Highway Pipeline Project and its proposed route through Hays County. 

City Council will convene at 6 PM in the San Marcos City Council Chambers at City Hall.


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