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San Marcos City Council To Discuss Comprehensive Plan Update

Staff Reports

On Tuesday, the San Marcos City Council will receive a presentation on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Update during their regular work session.

The discussion will include topics such as the Housing Action Plan, Small Area Plans, Policy Amendments to the San Marcos Development Code and architectural standards.

According to the agenda, the comprehensive plan was approved in 2013 and has served as a guiding document for many initiatives and other plans that have been undertaken by the city.

“However, while this document has served us, San Marcos has experienced many changes over the past six years, which have had a significant impact on the vision, goals and objectives of this plan,” the agenda states.

Staff took a step back to examine the comprehensive plan and find a solution that would assist the city in moving forward in “a more cohesive and comprehensive way.”

The staff has recommended the city update the comprehensive plan, so it better reflects the current desires of the community and reduces challenges in moving forward with projects that are based on the vision or goals of the city and city council.

Through the comprehensive planning process, the city aims to be able to do the following:

1. Further the discussion, and make more informed choices on the controversial policy-related items that were recommended to be removed by the Planning and Zoning Commission from the Strategic Housing Action Plan (i.e., City-initiated zoning, expansion of the types of zoning districts and building types allowed within existing neighborhoods, and removal of certain regulatory barriers (i.e., parking requirements, height requirements, and maximum density);


2. Provide a basis on policy-related code amendments to the San Marcos Development Code;


3. Move forward with planning for small areas (neighborhoods, downtown, centers, corridors, etc.) as part of the planning process, as opposed to a second phase that never gets completed;


4. Ensure that our disaster recovery and mitigation efforts align with the community’s vision; and


5. Create architectural standards that are appropriate for the areas they are intended to serve.

The city council members will receive an update from the Comprehensive Plan Oversight Committee Chairperson and an outline from staff regarding the need for the update and how the city council’s strategic initiatives will be impacted.

Staff aims to receive direction from staff to develop a scope and begin the process of updating the comprehensive plan.

San Marcos City Council will convene in the City Council Chambers at 3:00 PM at city hall.

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