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San Marcos City Council To Hold Public Hearing On CDBG-MIT Action Plan, Appoint Two ACMs

The San Marcos City Council will hold a public hearing regarding the Community Development Block Grant-Mitigation Action Plan and consider the appointment of two Assistant City Managers tonight.

Before the public hearing, staff will provide the council will a presentation on the CDBG-MIT Action Plan that provides for the allocation of $24,012,000 of funds for the program year 2019.

In compliance with Federal Register Notice 6109-N-02, the City is required to submit an Action Plan prioritizing the use of the funds for hazard mitigation/preparedness in response to the 2015 floods.

After the public hearing, the draft will be available and open for a 45-day period for public comments. Council will then be able to take final action.

Upon approval, the plan will then be submitted to Housing and Urban Development.

Following the discussion, the council will provide direction to staff on any changes they want to see made to the plan before it is brought back for final approval.

The council must take action on the draft by March 3, 2020.  

The city council will appoint two assistant city managers and declare an effective date to fill vacancies in personnel in the City Manager’s office.

City Manager Bert Lumbreras has appointed Stephanie Reyes as City Manager effective Dec. 17 but requires a confirmation from City Council in order to consider the position permanently filled.

The name of the second assistant city manager candidate was not included in the agenda.

The San Marcos City Council will convene for their regular meeting at 6:00 PM in the city council chambers at city hall.

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