San Marcos City Council To Hold Public Hearing On FY 2021 Budget, Consider 2020 Tax Rate
Terra Rivers | Managing Editor
On Tuesday, the San Marcos City Council will hold a public hearing for the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget and consider approval of the proposed 2020 Tax Rate on the first of two readings.
San Marcos is proposing a budget of $258,714,410 for FY 2021 and a 2020 tax rate of $.5930 of taxable valuation, which is 4.9% higher than the no-new-revenue tax rate.
According to the agenda, the no-new-revenue tax rate (effective rate) is $.5650 per $100 of taxable value.
The City of San Marcos approved a tax rate for FY 2018, FY 2019, and FY 2020 of $.6139 per $100 of taxable value.
The agenda states the tax rate of $.5930 will generate 7.9% more revenue than last year, or $2.7 Million. Of that, $1.5 million will be from new property.
According to the agenda, the average homeowner of a home valued at $200,000 will save $42 per year on their tax bill.
General Fund additions include:
- $500K to sworn Fire and Police as agreed upon in the FY19 Meet & Confer
- Personnel funding allocation for all non-civil service employees effective Oct. 1st
- EMS annual funding and expansion of service increase of $533K
- Annual contracted services increase
- Economic development incentive and TIRZ payments increase $7.9M
- $5.7M for 75% of sales taxes generated by the Best Buy call center.
- Three Captains and one Firefighter to complete staffing of new station No.6 funded by voter-approved bond proceeds
- Planner
- Historic Preservation Officer 100% dedicated with existing staff
- Two Community Enhancement Technicians and Horticultural Specialist funded by Community Enhancement Fee
- HVAC Service Technician
- Financial Analyst
Electric Fund additions include:
- Complex Meter Technician
- Senior Electrical Engineer
- Electrical Engineering Technician
- Utility Financial Analyst
- Contract Services
- Additional vehicles lease and equipment for new positions
- Professional Development
- Bucket Truck
- Transformer and substation test equipment
Water/Wastewater Fund additions include:
- Water Collection Crew Leader
- Conservation Irrigation Inspector
- Contract Services
- Additional vehicle lease for new positions
- SCAD system upgrades and maintenance
- Tilt camera
- Maintenance skid
- Jet/vacuum truck
- Hydro excavator
Stormwater Fund additions include:
- Street sweeper
- Dump truck
- Track hoe
The proposed budget includes rate adjustments of 5% for Water, 3% for Wastewater, 6.5% for Stormwater, and 3% for Solid Waste and Recycling.
The City Council is slated to hold a public hearing on the 2020 tax rate and will hold the 2nd public hearing on the budget on Sept. 15.
The council will also ratify the tax rate and vote to adopt the budget following the public hearings on the 15th.
Terra Rivers
Terra Rivers
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