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San Marcos City Manager Hires New Emergency Management-Homeland Security Manager

City Manager Bert Lumbreras is pleased to announce the hiring of an Emergency Management/Homeland Security Manager, effective November 6, 2017.

The San Marcos City Manager Bert Lumbreras is pleased to announce the hiring of Rachel Ingle as Emergency Management / Homeland Security Manager, effective November 6, 2017.

Rachel Ingle, the new Emergency Management/Homeland Security Manager for the City of San Marcos, Texas

Ms. Ingle has served as the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Planner at the Texas Department of State Health Services since August 2016.  Additionally, she has emergency management experience in the states of Florida, North Dakota and Tennessee, as well as serving as an Emergency Management Technician with the United States Air Force at Spangdahlem Air Force Base in Germany.

“We are excited to add Ms. Ingle to our staff to lead our emergency management program,” states Lumbreras.  “Her military experience, FEMA and Department of Defense training will be strong assets for our City’s disaster preparation and successful recovery planning.”

Ingle is a Certified Emergency Manager through the Emergency Management Association of Tennessee, holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Emergency Management/Homeland Security from Jacksonville State University and an Associate Degree of Applied Science in Disaster Preparedness from the Community College of the Air Force. 


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