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San Marcos Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee Now Accepting Applications

The City of San Marcos Planning and Development Services Department is accepting applications from community members interested in serving on the Comprehensive Plan Rewrite Steering Committee. Application forms are due by 5 PM on Monday, Sept. 28.

The City Council provided direction to rewrite the City’s current comprehensive plan, Vision San Marcos, originally adopted in 2013.

The rewrite project will incorporate the assistance of the 20-person steering committee to establish the goals and vision for the future of San Marcos’s planning and development.

“Members of the steering committee will have an important role in furthering the planning process by providing unique perspectives, expertise, and ensuring that participation in the planning process is inclusive of the community,” said Michael Ostrowski, Assistant Director of Planning and Development Services. “Serving on the steering committee provides an exciting opportunity to help shape the vision of the community.”

To apply for the committee, please complete the online application.

Individuals may also pick up and drop off a paper copy of the application at the Planning and Development Services Department by emailing planninginfo@sanmarcostx.gov or by calling 512.393.8230 to coordinate.

Please visit the Comprehensive Plan Rewrite page to learn more.

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