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San Marcos Earns Statewide Floodplain Management Award

“This is a prestigious award and a major accomplishment for our City,” said City Manager Bert Lumbreras.

The City of San Marcos has been awarded the 2018 City Floodplain Management Excellence Award by the Texas Floodplain Management Association. The City was recognized at the Texas Floodplain Management Association’s (TFMA) 30th Annual Conference held March 6 – 9 in Horseshoe Bay, Texas.

The award acknowledges municipal excellence in the field of floodplain management beyond staff-led floodplain management programs by considering a City’s on-going floodplain management goals and objectives.

“This is a prestigious award and a major accomplishment for our City,” said City Manager Bert Lumbreras. “Our floodplain management is a shared responsibility among the Capital Improvements & Engineering Department, Planning & Development Services, and the Community Development Block Grant administration and we’re thrilled that our organization is being honored for the diligent efforts of staff and Council to enhance the City’s flood protection measures.”

San Marcos floodplain management was recognized for utilizing low impact development (LID) practices, adopting watershed specific water quality regulations, partnering with other public entities and agencies regarding floodplain management, and adopting comprehensive floodplain regulations.

The City of San Marcos passed revisions to the city’s Flood Ordinance in November 2016 providing enhanced flood damage prevention and mitigation standards. City staff identified changes to the Flood Ordinance that would provide a higher level of flood protection and reduce the flood risk of properties located in a Special Flood Hazard Area.

These ordinance revisions coincide with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) led remapping of the City’s Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM).

For more information on the City’s Flood Ordinance, or to ask questions related to floodplain issues, contact the City’s Floodplain Administrator Richard Reynosa at rreynosa@sanmarcostx.gov.

The Texas Floodplain Management Association is an organization of professionals involved in floodplain management, flood preparedness, warning and disaster recovery. TFMA has pioneered the professional certification of local floodplain managers and is in the forefront of efforts to increase the educational opportunities and professional skills of the state’s floodplain management professionals.


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