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San Marcos Electric Utility Plans Power Outage For Downtown San Marcos

The outage will affect 108 customers. SMEU has replaced failed equipment damaged in last week’s power outage but now needs to make the connections to put the circuits back in their proper configurations.

Staff Reports

The San Marcos Electric Utility announced Wednesday, October 24, crews will be making repairs to circuits feeding the Downtown area on Friday, Oct. 26. Customers should expect to be without power from 3 AM to 5 AM in order of the repairs to be made.

Electric utility crews are switching some of the customers to other circuits to minimize as much as possible the number of customers affected. The outage will affect 108 customers.

Last week, SMEU replaced failed equipment, which had been damaged in downtown’s power outage on Tuesday, October 16.

According to the city, SMEU now needs to make the connections to put the circuits back in their proper configurations.

The utility is coordinating with the San Marcos Police Department and San Marcos Fire Department and is putting out door notifications to customers who will be affected.

For more information, contact San Marcos Electric Utility at 512.393.8300.


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