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San Marcos family loses home to fire

Sierra Martin | Managing Editor

SAN MARCOS — At 5 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 20, a San Marcos family was awoken by a fire in their home, forcing them to evacuate with only the clothes on their backs. 

The fire burned down the home of Ronnie Ramirez, Mimi Longoria and Rosie Farias, who lived in the Redwood Neighborhood of San Marcos. 

According to their family, they lost everything they own including identifying documents, vehicles and irreplaceable sentimental items. The cause of the fire has not yet been determined by local authorities. 

Not only were physical items lost, but through a selfless act Ronnie attempted to rescue their family dog, but was unfortunately unsuccessful. 
“Mimi has a heart for people and animals, giving to those in need and rescuing the animals who don’t stand a chance to live,” said family member Jennifer Garci in a GoFundMe she organized. “Ronnie often uses his skills to help and bless people who are less fortunate in the summer. He performs AC work for the elderly and always does it for free to provide them a sense of relief.”
Gabbi Ibarra, daughter and niece to those effected, said that her 78-year-old aunt Rosie Farias is still in the hospital and is asking the community for prayers.
A GoFundMe has been created to help support the family recover from the loss of their home and possessions. Those interested in donating can find more information here.

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