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San Marcos Fire Department Captains Graduate Texas Fire Chief Academy

“Defining and understanding why your organization exists allows you to determine how to meet the goals and expectations to support the mission,” Koenig said.

Two San Marcos Fire Department captains have graduated the Texas Fire Chief Academy, and three battalion chiefs have earned Fire Service Chief Executive Officer Certifications.

Fire Chief Academy

Captains Justin Calhoun and Tory Turner completed the Texas Fire Chief Academy in October, a two-year program sponsored by the Texas Fire Chiefs Association. They have earned the professional designation of Certified Fire Executive (CFE) in the State of Texas. 

“The opportunity afforded to me to attend training on the Chief Officer level was priceless to help me as I continue to advance in my career,” said Turner. Calhoun also expressed appreciation for the opportunity to attend an upper level course that allowed him to have a better overview of how the fire department works at all levels.

Previous graduates were: Fire Chief Les Stephens, Assistant Chiefs Karl Kuhlman and Rick Rowell, Battalion Chiefs Jeff Clark, Aaron Crawford, John Koenig, Jim Matano, and Howie Minor, and Captains Andrea Acosta and Sean Garrison.

Chief Executive Officer Certifications

Battalion Chiefs Aaron Crawford, John Koenig, and Howie Minor received Fire Service Chief Executive Officer Certification after attending a week-long advanced level professional development program in College Station to sharpen leadership skills of fire service executives. 

“Defining and understanding why your organization exists allows you to determine how to meet the goals and expectations to support the mission,” Koenig said.

The San Marcos Fire Department has a comprehensive professional development program encouraging its firefighters at all levels to seek training and certifications that will not only advance their careers, but also further the Department’s mission to safeguard the public.

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