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San Marcos High School Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon

Each guest received goody bags of donated appreciation items. SMHS Culinary Arts students prepared the meal, and Floral Design students provided the centerpiece flower arrangements.



San Marcos High School hosted a Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon on Wednesday, May 10, in the Culinary Arts room in the Career & Tech Building.


Parent Liaison Linda Contreras coordinated the event that honored the faithful volunteers at the high school: Jeanne Davis, Patti Ann Alba, Deanna Murdoch, Heather Fissel, Ellen Ault, Rudy and Becky Espinoza. Each guest received goody bags of donated appreciation items.


SMHS Culinary Arts students prepared the meal, and Floral Design students provided the centerpiece flower arrangements. Also on hand to honor the volunteers were SMHS administrators Cecily Moore, Yvette Velasquez, Adam Garza, and staff Melissa Luera.



Parent liaison Linda Contreras thanking the volunteers. Photo courtesy of SMCISD Academic Dean Cecily Moore presents certificates to the volunteers | Photo courtesy of SMCISD



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