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San Marcos Installing Portable Restrooms, Sinks And Hand Sanitizer Stations For Public Use, Invites Homeless

As part of the coordinated public health response to COVID-19, the City of San Marcos is establishing a short-term strategy for access to personal hygiene needs for the general public, including individuals experiencing homelessness.

Portable restrooms, sink stations, and hand sanitizer stations will be installed on April 8, at the Southside Community Center, 518 S. Guadalupe St., and in the lot adjacent to the Dog Park at 250 Charles Austin Sreet. Each location will have one ADA-compliant portable restroom.

They are expected to be ready for public use on Thursday, April 9.

“Providing equitable access to basic hygiene needs is a critical way to minimize the potential spread of COVID-19 across all communities,” said City Manager Bert Lumbreras. “The circumstances presented are unique and our intent with these temporary facilities is to continue to meet identified service needs. This is important to our Council and it’s important for our community.”

Professional service technicians will wear Personal Protective Equipment, utilize medical-grade disinfectant sanitization products, and follow the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance during cleanings.

The stations will be serviced seven days per week.

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  1. Will they be supplying access to take a shower? Some cities are currently requesting emergency eye wash stations as it has been rumored that the inner eye is a primary source as a breeding ground for spreading virus and also the primary location where one catches the virus.

  2. If the world went mad and required one place in San Marcos to incubate COVID-19, the Southside Community Center would win unaminously as the place most likely to succeed.

    hey buddy budddy you through with that cigarette ?

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