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San Marcos Main Street Program Names 218 Co-Op Art Gallery Business Of The Month

The San Marcos Main Street Program has honored 218 Co-op Art Gallery with the April Downtown Business of the Month Award and recognizes their creative work within the downtown community.  

Since opening in 2015, 218 Co-op Gallery has served as a place of gathering for art admirers within San Marcos and providing an opportunity to view and appreciate beautiful, handcrafted pieces that are constructed by local artists who work to keep the establishment up and running.

Each artist-owner boasts a unique background in which they produce various mediums of art ranging from paintings, ceramic sculptures, pen drawings and more. In addition to providing the downtown area with creative pieces, the artists showcase their art at the studio and give descriptive explanations on how they were brought to life.

The Co-op art gallery is located on 218 N. Guadalupe St., less than 150 feet from the historic downtown square and is open Thursday and Friday from 2 PM to 6 PM, Saturday from 11 AM to 7 PM and Sunday from 11 AM to 3 PM.

If you know of a downtown business that qualifies as a Downtown Business of the Month based on Main Street’s eight criteria below or would like more information you can email mainstreet@sanmarcostx.gov.


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