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San Marcos Main Street Recognizes Landis Shoe Clinic As A Texas Treasure

Landis Shoe Clinic has more than 100 years of serving customers in San Marcos and Hays County through three generations of the Mendez family…

The Main Street Program recognized Landis Shoe Clinic for winning the Texas Treasure Business Award from the Texas Historical Commission (THC) at the 2018 Love Downtown Awards Nov. 9 at the Hays County Courthouse.

Landis Shoe Clinic has more than 100 years of serving customers in San Marcos and Hays County through three generations of the Mendez family. This historic business, located at 120 S LBJ Drive, specializes in custom made boots, all manner of leather repair and extraordinary customer service.

The Texas Treasure Business Award program pays tribute to businesses that have provided employment opportunities and support to the state’s economy for 50 years or more. Created in 2005, the program recognizes well-established Texas businesses and their exceptional historical contributions to the state’s economic growth and prosperity.

For more information about the Texas Treasure Business Award, contact the THC at 512.463.6092 or visit www.thc.texas.gov.

San Marcos Main Street Program was designated in 1986 as an official Main Street City by the Texas Historical Commission and the National Trust for Historic Preservation and remains one of the oldest Main Street programs in the state.

From left to right: Katina Mendez, Albert Sierra, Becky Sierra, Rene Medina, Linda Wilson and Ronnie Mendez | Photo by Don Anders



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