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San Marcos Masonic Lodge Supports San Marcos CISD Schools With Donation

The Masonic Lodges of Texas established Texas Public Schools Week in 1950.

In honor of Texas Independence Day (March 2) and Texas Public Schools Week, San Marcos Masonic Lodge No. 342 presented Texas Flags to San Marcos CISD elementary schools at a ceremony held at Bowie Elementary on March 3, 2017.

The flags had originally flown over the Texas state capitol building.

“The members of the San Marcos Lodge are pleased to be able to continue in this effort to assist our public schools and maintain our long-term commitment to public education in Texas,” Joshua Brake said.

The audience of students, administrators, parents, and Masons were treated to a Bowie student choir that sang a medley of Texas-themed songs, including Deep in the Heart of Texas and Texas, Our Texas.

Two delegates from each of the six San Marcos CISD elementary schools accepted the flags and certificates on behalf of their campus.

The Masonic Lodges of Texas established Texas Public Schools Week in 1950.


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