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San Marcos Mayor To Nominate Jude Prather To Charter Review Commission

San Marcos Mayor To Nominate Jude Prather To Charter Review Commission

  • Consider approval, by motion, of Mayor Thomaides’ appointment of Jude Prather to the Charter Review Commission to fill a vacancy.

The Charter Review Commission was appointed on January 3, 2017 and have been meeting every Thursday to complete their review of the Charter and the charge that was provided by the Council.

They have a few meetings left before they have completed their review and it is important to have a full commission prior to the drafting of the final Council recommendation.

Staff will be meeting with Mr. Prather to update him on progress up to this point.

Mayor Daniel Guerrero was previously appointed by Mayor Thomaides and resigned due to conflicts with his work schedule.

San Marcos City Council Meeting Agenda — Tuesday, April 4, 2017

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/SMCC-Regular-Meeting-Interactive-Agenda-4-4-2017-Tuesday.pdf”]


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