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San Marcos Named Bronze Level Bicycle Friendly Community

“This Bronze Level BFC award recognizes San Marcos’ commitment to improving conditions for bicycling through investment in bicycling promotion, education programs, infrastructure and pro-bicycling policies,” said Development Services Manager Amanda Hernandez.

The City of San Marcos has been recognized as a Bronze Level Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC) by The League of American Bicyclists, joining 464 visionary communities from across the country being awarded for a strong commitment to bicycling.

San Marcos received the award following application in August 2018. The review process included consultation with local cyclists and bike advocates, as well as an online public survey.

Events organized to support the submission included celebration of National Bike Month, organized bike rides, creating a cycling video, and receiving a Council proclamation. 

“This Bronze Level BFC award recognizes San Marcos’ commitment to improving conditions for bicycling through investment in bicycling promotion, education programs, infrastructure and pro-bicycling policies,” said Development Services Manager Amanda Hernandez.  “We’re excited to receive this recognition for our city.”

With the announcement of 61 new and renewing BFCs, San Marcos joins a leading group of communities in every state that are transforming the American landscape by creating a Bicycle Friendly America for everyone.  

Since the Bicycle Friendly Community program’s inception over 20 years ago, more than 800 distinct communities have applied for recognition.

Awarded communities must renew their status every four years to ensure that they not only maintain existing efforts, but also keep up with changing technology, national safety standards, and community-driven best practices.  

To learn more about biking initiatives in San Marcos, contact Planning & Development Services at 512.393.8230 or planninginfo@sanmarcostx.gov.


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