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San Marcos Police Department Arrests Serial Rock Thrower

On January 3, the San Marcos Police Department arrested the suspect in a series of rock throwing incidents, which have caused damage to several businesses in Downtown San Marcos.

Zachary Alan McClish

Zachary Alan McClish (6.30.70) faces three counts of criminal mischief under $750, and one count of criminal mischief under $2,500 for breaking windows in downtown San Marcos.

Between December 21, 2018, and Jan. 3, four downtown area businesses reported having their windows smashed by a rock.

Those businesses were Café on the Square, Sean Patrick’s, KZSM radio station, and Barefoot Campus Outfitters.

Several individuals identified McClish as the suspect. It is reported McClish is homeless and spends time in the downtown area. SMPD served these warrants to McClish while he was in the Hays County Jail on unrelated charges.

McClish was interviewed by detectives and revealed no motive for the damage. 


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