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San Marcos Police Department Responds To Burglary Of Habitation

Staff Reports

On Sunday, the San Marcos Police Department responded to a burglary of habitation at the Cottages at San Marcos Apartments.

According to the City of San Marcos Police Department Commander Kelly Bomersbach, SMPD responded to a call around 9:42 AM after a woman reported she had woken up to find a male subject asleep in her bed.

Bomersbach said the woman reported she did not recognize the man and screamed waking up her roommates and the intruder.

The suspect left before officers arrived on the scene. Officials said a description of the suspect is not available at this time.

However, it is an active investigation.

In May, the San Marcos Police Department released several apartment safety tips in response to several home invasions and sexual assaults which occurred earlier this year.

Here are six SMPD recommended safety tips apartment residents can use to help ensure the security of their homes. 

  • Always lock your doors and windows when you’re gone. This includes your balcony doors and windows. Unlocked balcony doors and windows can be a security hazard even if you live above the first floor.


  • Do not rely on a chain lock. They add little value when it comes to security.


  • Make your apartment look occupied by keeping the lights on when you are gone or by automating them to a schedule.


  • Report anyone that doesn’t look familiar.


  • Start a Facebook page for the people who live in your apartment complex and share anything suspicious. Look out for each other.


  • If your building has locked entryways make sure that they stay shut and locked. Look out for tailgaters and ask your neighbors to do the same.


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