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San Marcos Police Department Seeks Student-To-Student Safety Input

The City of San Marcos Police Department (SMPD) is welcoming Bobcats back to school with a safety campaign and they are asking for student input.

The campaign, entitled “Your Safety Starts with You,” seeks to remind students that the police department serves and protects our community, but there are small steps residents can take to avoid risky and dangerous situations. These include being aware of surroundings, locking doors and windows, and using social media location-sharing wisely.

“The unfortunate reality is that criminals look for opportunities that are available to them,” said SMPD Corporal Laray Taylor. “We want to provide our students with the tools to protect themselves and their property from exploitation from the beginning of the school year.”

SMPD is asking students and alumni who are familiar with the sometimes-unexpected risks of college life to submit student safety tip ideas to the San Marcos Police Department Facebook Post launching the campaign. Three user-submitted safety tips will be chosen by police leadership to be printed for public display. The deadline for submissions is Sept. 12 at 5 PM.

The winning submissions will be unveiled at Coffee with A Cop on Sept. 17 from 9 to 11 AM at Mochas and Javas, 700 N LBJ Dr #100. Winners will receive Target gift cards. Students and community members are encouraged to stop by so they can get to know the police officers who serve this community. Coffee will be provided by SMPD for the event.  

For feedback or to request a safety presentation, email Taylor at ltaylor@sanmarcostx.gov. To learn more about the SMPD, visit https://www.sanmarcostx.gov/151/Police.

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