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San Marcos Police Department To Swear In First Volunteers In Parking Mobility Program

The parking mobility program was designed to engage citizens in the process of enforcing disabled parking space violations within the City of San Marcos.

Staff Reports

On Friday, November 9, the San Marcos Police Department will swear in the first class of volunteers for the Parking Mobility program.

Parking Mobility is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community education and enforcement program designed to efficiently address accessible parking abuse in the community. The parking mobility program was designed to engage citizens in the process of enforcing disabled parking space violations within the City of San Marcos.

Under the program, trained volunteers report vehicles illegally parked in handicap accessible parking spaces using the Parking Mobility App.

The reports will be reviewed by the San Marcos Police Department, and a citation will be issued to the owner of the vehicle if it is determined that an offense has been committed.

Those who receive a citation will have three options:

  • Pay the fine ($500 for a first offense)
  • Request a hearing if they feel they are not guilty
  • Take an online course to learn about the laws governing accessible parking, why those spaces are important and the contributions people who need those spaces make to the community

The goal of the program is to solve accessible parking abuse through education rather than enforcement alone. The program provides an easy, discrete and non-confrontational way to address parking accessibility issues in the community.

Residents interested in becoming a certified volunteers can download the app and find information on volunteering with the program at https://www.parkingmobility.com/volunteer. For more information on the program, contact Parking Mobility at 512.348.7775.


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