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San Marcos P&Z Commission To Consider Public Hearing For Trace PDD Amendment

By Terra Rivers | Managing Editor

Tonight, the San Marcos Planning and Zoning Commission is slated to holding a public hearing and consider a request to amend the Trace Planned Development District.

Caren Williams Murch is requesting on behalf of Highpointe Communities Inc to amend the PDD “to allow two-story multifamily residential buildings as the only required elevations without three- and four-story requirements.”

According to the agenda, in October 2015, the City Council passed, approved and adopted the Trace Planned Development District, which encompassed approximately 417.63 acres. The PDD allowed for 35.4 acres of multifamily uses not to exceed 24 units per acres.

The PDD is subject to the Multifamily Residential Design Standards in the Land Development Code (circa Oct. 2015) as well as additional standards outlined in the development’s personal PDD.

Staff states the applicant is requesting that the PDD’s additional standard requiring two-, three- and four-story multifamily buildings in order to create visual variation in buildings and roof lines be amended to require only two-story buildings.

Following the public hearing, commissioners will otherwise formulate a report and recommendation on the petition for a zoning map amendment and shall forward the report and recommendation to City Council for consideration.

According to the agenda, commissioners will have the option of tabling the item for no more than 90 calendar days from the date of the initial public hearing to receive additional information.

The San Marcos Planning and Zoning Commission will convene their regular meeting at 6 PM in the City Council Chambers at City Hall.

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