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San Marcos P&Z Postpones Consideration Of Text Amendments To Development Code

Staff Reports

On Tuesday, the San Marcos Planning & Zoning Commission voted 6-0 to postpone consideration of a recommendation to the City Council regarding text amendments to the development code.

Staff provided commissioners with a lengthy presentation over recommendations from the Alcohol Conditional Use Permit Committee, the Housing Task Force, the Historic Preservation Commission and staff concerning application processing and requirements and more for possible amendments to the development code.

 During a joint workshop in June 2019, the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed requests from the committees and provided direction to staff on which requests should be reviewed for passage.

Following the public hearing and presentation, the commissioners experienced technical difficulties; commissioner Travis Kelsey lost connection and was not able to reconnect.

Commissioners decided to postpone the discussion and consideration of a recommendation to allow Commissioner Kelsey to be involved.

The text amendments to the San Marcos Development Code will return before Planning and Zoning at their first meeting in June due to a packed May 26 agenda.

No public hearing will be held on the item at the next meeting; however, residents can still speak during public comments on the matter.

Following a recommendation from planning and zoning, the amendments will go before City Council for possible adoption. 

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