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San Marcos P&Z To Consider Railyard Bar & Grill CUP

Staff Reports

The San Marcos Planning and Zoning will consider one item tonight at their regular meeting.

Commissioners will hold a public hearing and consider a request by Railyard Bar & Grill, LLC, to renew a Conditional Use Permit.

The CUP renewal will allow the continued sale of mixed beverages for consumption at 116 South Edward Gary Street.

The Railyard opened in 2011 and received a three-year CUP, which became valid in April 2014 and expired in April 2017.

According to the agenda, the applicant stated they were under the impression the CUP approval period was for five years instead of three; all CUP Certificates have the expiration of the CUP on the certificate.

In addition, the agenda states the applicant did not receive a notification letter reminding them of the expiration of the CUP, and city staff has no record of a letter being sent by the city.

The Fire Department has raised concerns about an outdoor fire pit, which appears to have been installed without the proper permitting. However, the San Marcos Police Department has reported there have been no major incident with the business since its last CUP approval.

Staff is recommending the approval of the CUP with the existing conditions instated by the last CUP certificate. However, staff recommends the CUP be approved for a one-year period to allow the owner to undergo the permitting process for the outdoor fire pit.

The CUP Conditions are listed below.

  1. The permit shall be valid for one (1) year, provided standards are met;
  2. All live music shall be restricted to the indoor stage and may continue until 2 AM;
  3. The outdoor fire pit shall not be utilized until it has been approved and permitted for use by the City; and
  4. The permit shall be posted in the same area and manner as the Certificate of Occupancy.

San Marcos Planning and Zoning will convene at 6:00 PM in the San Marcos City Council Chambers at City Hall.

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/San-Marcos-PZ-2019-01-22.pdf”]


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