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San Marcos Receives Additional State Transit Funding

The City of San Marcos has been awarded $257,257 in State Small Urban formula funds for transit expenses from the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT).

This funding is in addition to a $6.4 million disaster relief CARES Act grant for public transit expenses awarded to San Marcos in April 2020 from the $2 trillion coronavirus relief package signed by President Donald J. Trump on March 27, 2020.

“This additional grant funding will prove invaluable to our transit planning process,” said City Manager Bert Lumbreras.  “We appreciate TXDOT including San Marcos in the 26 cities receiving funding as this will help us expand transit projects for our community in upcoming years.”

Once received, this new funding award will be held in reserve and used to support Transit and Capital Improvement Projects, as these funds are deemed a local match to federal monies when required.

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