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San Marcos Regional Airport To Host Open House On New Airport Master Plan

On Monday, Nov. 18, from 2 to 5 PM, the San Marcos Regional Airport will host an Open House to introduce the new Airport Master Plan to the public.

Exhibits and maps of the working plans will be on display. The planning firm, Garver, will be on-hand to answer questions and record feedback.

Work on the new plan began in 2018. This is the first Airport Master Plan update since 2001. The new update considers current industry dynamics and looks at long-term airport use, anticipated projects, and projected funding needs over the next 10 years.

Once the plan is completed and approved by City Council, it will go to the Texas Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration for final approvals. The $300,000 project is 90% funded by the Federal Aviation Administration.

For more information, contact Texas Aviation Partners Director of Marketing and Business Development Cassidy Berenato at cberenato@texasaviationpartners.com. For media inquiries, contact communicationsinfo@sanmarcostx.gov.

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