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San Marcos Regional Airport Update

Security Fence

The fencing project is approximately 90% complete. Gates are being installed this week and crews are putting the final touches on the parking lots.

The road to the Air Traffic Control Tower is being realigned with the upcoming water line upgrade project. We anticipate this will occur toward the end of May. Upon completion, the final gate will be installed and the all gates will be turned on.

Gate Codes

Prior to any gates being turned on, the gate code will be shared with all users via e-newsletter. All gates and users will have the same code.

As a reminder, the purpose of the controlled access is to limit the number of non-pilot drivers operating around aircraft.

For this reason we ask that the code be used by pilots and airport users only and that all visitors and vendors utilize the parking areas outside the fence.

Several pedestrian access points can be found along the fence line like the one pictured above.

If you know a based pilot who does not receive our newsletters, we encourage them to sign up using this link: http://bit.ly/airportnewsletter.

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