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UPDATE: San Marcos Regional Airport Wide Power Outage 99% Restored

Power has been restored everywhere on the airfield except to Berry Aviation’s corporate office. “We will continue to update Berry directly.”
San Marcos Regional Airport Wide Power Outage, 9:27 A.M.

San Marcos Regional Airport is currently experiencing an airport-wide power outage as of 9:30 am this morning. Two transformers have blown and PEC crews are hard at work making repairs. Unfortunately, we do not have an accurate timeline for when power will be restored but anticipate the repairs to take several hours.



The ATCT is operational, as is the ILS. We are working closely with PEC and will provide updates as we get them via newsletter as well as Facebook and Twitter.


In the meantime, should you need access to power or the internet, please feel free to use our offices at 4400 Highway 21. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call the office (512-216-6039) or flag down the airport vehicle!

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