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San Marcos Reopens CM Allen Parkway To Traffic

The CM Allen Parkway opened to vehicle traffic on Monday, Dec. 16 after a year of construction. The reconstructed roadway meets many of the City’s goals to make San Marcos bike and pedestrian-friendly as well as safe and efficient for motorists.

The $3.3 million Capital Improvement Project was designed to provide the following:

  • Safe, Connected, Multimodal Transportation: An improved pedestrian connection between downtown and the San Marcos River was accomplished through the inclusion of a 12-foot wide multiuse pathway for pedestrians and bicyclists, reduced crosswalk lengths and the addition of a crosswalk refuge in the median at Hutchison Street. The intersections at Hutchison Street and the Plaza Parking lot were also reconfigured for safety.


  • Environmental Protection: Green infrastructure includes installation of biofiltration areas to hold and filter stormwater runoff before it enters the San Marcos River. Over 50 trees were planted on the project and will provide protection for the water, soil and air.  


  • Attractive Public Spaces: Underground utilities, pedestrian lighting, brick banding in the multiuse pathway and brick pavers in the crosswalks improve the street appearance. Extensive native plantings and multicolored bulb-outs are also included.

Final touches, including the final roadway striping, installing multi-colored bulb-outs, and completion of the Hutchison Street biofiltration pond, will be completed over the following weeks.

For more information on this or other City projects, please call the City of San Marcos Engineering and Capital Improvements Department at 512.393.8130 or visit http://sanmarcostx.gov/431/Projects-In-Construction.


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