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San Marcos Seeks Applicants For Youth Program Funding

The San Marcos City Council adopted the Youth Master Plan in 2013 as an action plan to bring vision, resources and community commitment to improve outcomes for children and youth.

The City of San Marcos is currently accepting applications to fund programs serving children and youth in the San Marcos area during the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year.

Agencies already receiving funding for programs that will be used between October 2017 and October 2018 may not apply for this funding for the same program.

Applications must be turned in to the Grant Harris, Jr. Building, 401 E. Hopkins, by noon on March 9, 2018. Applications can be downloaded from http://www.sanmarcostx.gov/fundingforyouth

To qualify for funds, agencies must:

  • establish that it is performing a needed service that meets the needs of one of the Priority Areas in the Youth Master Plan,
  • execute an agency agreement with the San Marcos Commission on Children and Youth,
  • have measurable goals and agree to undergo periodic program evaluations by the San Marcos Commission on Children and Youth or City of San Marcos staff

Agencies are encouraged to attend the February meeting of the San Marcos Commission on Children and Youth (SMCCY) to get a clear idea of what the SMCCY is focusing on accomplishing in 2018. The commission will meet at noon on Feb. 7 at the San Marcos Activity Center, 501 E. Hopkins.

Money for these programs is allocated each year by the City Council to the Youth Services Budget. The San Marcos Commission on Children and Youth will recommend which applicants will receive funding, with a maximum of $5,000 per program.

Past Funding Recipients include: Texas State University, Greater San Marcos Youth Council, San Marcos Housing Authority, Country Estates Recreation Association Summer Swim League, Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center, Community Action, Inc. of Central Texas and the Girls Empowerment Network, San Marcos Chamber of Commerce and United Way of Hays County.

The San Marcos City Council adopted the Youth Master Plan in 2013 as an action plan to bring vision, resources and community commitment to improve outcomes for children and youth.

The Youth Master Plan offers a long-term vision for how San Marcos can improve family, community and school support and build a stronger future for our youth. It focuses on ways we can help our children succeed in school, in their physical and social development, vocational preparations and becoming the new generation of leaders.


The City of San Marcos supports local agencies that provide valuable services to the community through multiple funding sources including Human Services Social Services funding, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and San Marcos Commission on Children and Youth funding.

It is the City’s policy that each program can be funded during any fiscal year from only one City funding source. Agencies can submit only one application per program to the City funding source of their choice. An agency can submit applications for multiple programs to the same funding source.

City funding may not exceed 50 percent of the funding sources for applicants. For additional information, contact Jessica Ramos, Youth Services Manager, at 512.393.8283 or jramos@sanmarcostx.gov.


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