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San Marcos To Close Playscapes, Dog Park, Skate Park And Restrooms Due To COVID-19

In an effort to encourage social distancing and discourage social gathering, the City of San Marcos is closing the Children’s Park Playscape, City Park Playscape, all neighborhood park playscapes, Dog Park, and Skate Park.

Out of an abundance of caution, all public restroom facilities and water fountains in all city parks and natural areas will also be closed and shut off until further notice.

All closures will be effective today, March 23, at 11:00 PM.

All other parks and natural areas remain open for active use within the current permitted constraints of social and physical distancing. 

Groups are limited to 10 people or fewer with recommendations to maintain at least six feet between individuals.

For more information about COVID-19 and the response from the city, visit our website: https://www.sanmarcostx.gov/covid19info.

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