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San Marcos To Host Open House on Private Pond Inspections

On July 5, 2017 ordinance no. 2017-33 was passed that requires owners of permanent stormwater management facilities to conduct annual inspections of each facility. 

The City of San Marcos will host an open house on annual inspection requirements for owners of permanent stormwater management facilities Tuesday, March 27 from 1-3 p.m. at the San Marcos Activity Center Multipurpose Room, 501 E. Hopkins.

City staff will give a presentation and provide information on annual inspection requirements for these facilities.

Types of stormwater facilities covered include:

  • Dry detention
  • Wet detention
  • Bio retention
  • Underground detention
  • Constructed wetland
  • Vegetated swale
  • Permeable pavers
  • Hydrodynamic separators

On July 5, 2017 ordinance no. 2017-33 was passed that requires owners of permanent stormwater management facilities to conduct annual inspections of each facility. 

The inspection report must be prepared by a Texas-licensed engineer who has been pre-certified by the City of San Marcos. Property owners submit an annual inspection report to the City by no later than January 31, 2019. 

Owners of permanent stormwater management facilities are encouraged to visit sanmarcostx.gov/stormwater-management to view a list of pre-certified engineers who are able to conduct inspections of permanent stormwater management facilities in San Marcos. For more information, contact the City of San Marcos Transportation Division at 512.393.8036.


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