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San Marcos Youth Commission To Host Leadership Conference

Staff Reports

The San Marcos Youth Commission will host it’s “Live Your Best Life” Leadership Conference, Saturday, April 6, from 8:45 AM to 2:00 PM at the San Marcos Activity Center.

According to the City of San Marcos, San Marcos-Area High School Students can now register for the event; attendees will receive a free t-shirt, breakfast and lunch and community service hours. The event is open to all San Marcos-Area-Students. 

Participants will learn about topics such as financial literacy, coping with stress and anxiety, resume writing for college and careers, and tips on relationships, a service-learning project in conjunction with YouthFest, as well as an international fair manned by youth resource groups. Mayor Jane Hughson will provide a welcome speech.

“Our goal is to provide area high school students with the information they need to be successful in school and in life,” said Ben Murdoch, San Marcos High School senior and chair of the Youth Commission. “The Commission members have researched conference topics that are relevant and important to youth in San Marcos.”

Students can register at www.sanmarcostx.gov/liveyourbestlife. Registration will be open until March 29. 


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