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Santa Helps TxDOT Deliver Seventh Mobility35 Project On I-35

AUSTIN — Friday, the Texas Department of Transportation was joined by officials from Williamson County and the City of Jarrell to cut the ribbon on the newly completed I-35 at CR 305 project.

This is the seventh Mobility35 project to be completed in Texas and the first in Jarrell. The project replaced the CR 305 bridge over I-35 and realigned CR 304 East to connect to the newly constructed bridge.

Pedestrian enhancements were also made within the project limits.

“TxDOT’s mission statement is connecting you with Texas,” said Austin District Engineer, Tucker Ferguson. “Today, we are celebrating the improvements to I-35, the hard work and dedication of our team members, and improved quality of life for those living and working in this area.”

The original CR 305 bridge restricted traffic flow and proved difficult for larger vehicles and trucks to maneuver.

The newly constructed bridge improves safety and mobility in the area, with the addition of shoulders and lanes in each direction to allow for better turning movements.

“This is kind of like a Christmas present to the City of Jarrell,” said Williamson County Commissioner Valerie Covey. “I want to say a big thank you to our partners at TxDOT.”

The wider and taller CR 305 bridge enhances connectivity in Williamson County.

“This is a great day in Jarrell,” said Mayor of Jarrell Larry Bush. “This is the second of our three bridges to be completed and this will actually become a major roadway for a new development.”

This $7.7 million project was funded by the Williamson County Road Bond program, Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) and TxDOT. The contractor for the project was Capital Excavation Company.

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