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School Board Appreciation Month

Texas has more than 5 million students in its public schools. That is 5 million young minds from about 5 years old to about 18 years old, and our state is attracting even more. Every year, our student population increases by about 85,000 additional students.
Those impressionable young people depend on the adults in Texas to provide for them. They need shelter and food and nurturing and an education. Who will step up to see that all the children, not just the ones in our own households, have what they need in our schools?
In Texas, more than 7,200 people have offered to help. These are people who receive no pay for their dedicated efforts. These are people who not only volunteer but go through the process of standing up for public education. They are locally elected school board members.
The SMCISD trustees include Board President Kathy Hansen, Vice President Anne Halsey, Secretary Margie Villalpando, members Miguel Arredondo, Lupe Costilla, John Crowley, and John McGlothlin. 
These public servants donate their time and talents to ensure that all our children have the best public schools we can provide. These people sit through meetings, read detailed reports, listen to parents’ concerns, and do the hard work to benefit the students and the community at large. The whole community benefits from good schools.
Each January, school districts across the nation pause in our regular activities to say thank you to these volunteers. We appreciate their generous sharing of time and energy on behalf of our children. This year, the theme of the celebration is: Super-Heroes for Our Schools.
Join San Marcos CISD in celebrating School Board Recognition Month in January. The District will host a reception at 5:30 pm, prior to the regular month Board meeting on January 25, 2016, at 6 pm, at Central Office, 501 S. LBJ Drive in San Marcos, Texas.

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