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Sen. Ted Cruz Receives Tri Global Energy’s 2019 Wind Leadership Award

WASHINGTON – Tri Global Energy, a leading U.S. originator and developer of utility-scale wind energy projects, announced that U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is the 2019 recipient of the Tri Global Energy Wind Leadership Award, recognizing commitment to wind development and to the people who rely on wind farms to support their families and communities.

“I am honored to receive this award,” said Senator Cruz. “Texas leads the nation in both renewable and fossil energy production, and I’m proud to represent a state that understands the importance of utilizing all forms of our energy resources.  Harnessing the power of wind in Texas has not only created jobs and helped grow our state’s economy, but it has broadened and diversified our energy production to support our nation’s energy independence for future generations.”

“Wind energy will thrive wherever it is economically competitive, and Texas is proof of that. The rapid growth of wind in our state has helped to ensure Texas families and businesses have access to affordable, reliable electricity, all while powering job creation and new opportunities in the state’s rural communities,” said John Billingsley, Chairman and CEO of Tri Global Energy. 

“Senator Cruz understands the positive impact of wind energy in Texas, and it was important to us to recognize his leadership,” said Billingsley.

Tri Global Energy’s Wind Leadership Award is given annually to a member of the U.S. Congress who has provided significant contribution to wind energy development.

Tri Global Energy is an independent utility-scale renewable energy originator and developer in the U.S.  The company is the leading wind developer in Texas and among the top five leading wind developers in the U.S. Over 3,000 MW of Tri Global’s development projects are either in financing, construction or operation. Tri Global is headquartered in Dallas with regional offices in Lubbock, TexasEl Paso and Forreston, Illinois and Hartford City, Indiana.

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