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Senator Campbell Presents Adoption Day Proclamation, Encourages Support For Foster Children In Texas

“As a proud mother of four adopted daughters, I am encouraged to see the strides being made to help Texas children find loving homes…”


SAN ANTONIO, TX – At a press conference Friday, State Senator Donna Campbell officially recognized Saturday, November 18th, as National Adoption Day in Texas while presenting a proclamation to high school student Hunter Beaton for his work on behalf of foster children.

The proclamation was signed by all 31 state senators – representing all 254 counties in the state – encouraging Texas families to seek ways to participate in the adoption process.

“As a proud mother of four adopted daughters, I am encouraged to see the strides being made to help Texas children find loving homes,” said Senator Campbell. “National Adoption Day is a great way to raise awareness of adoption, and Hunter’s efforts represent an important initiative to help bring comfort to foster children when they move to a new home.”

A Boerne High School student and Eagle Scout, Hunter Beaton recently started a statewide project to eliminate the use of black trash bags as suitcases for foster children and replace them with more permanent and nurturing bags.

Several counties across the state have adopted proclamations pledging “No More Trash Bags” at Hunter’s request, including Comal, Kendall, Hays, and Guadalupe Counties in Senate District 25, which Sen. Campbell represents.

“It’s the right thing to do for kids,” Hunter said. “Giving someone a trash bag to carry all their possessions sends the wrong message.  Every child deserves dignity and needs to know that they are loved.”

Since National Adoption Day was established in 2000, more than 40,000 children have found permanent homes on this day. However, more than 110,000 children in the U.S. remain in foster care, where the average wait for adoption is three years.

“Children in foster care have had some of the most trying experiences, some that can cause a person to feel worthless and insignificant. No child in foster care should ever burden these sentiments again as a result of being in care.

Through this proclamation and the generous efforts of many, children in care will now be able to carry their belongings in a dignified manner” said Sen. Carlos Uresti of San Antonio.

“As a community, we have a responsibility to do everything we can for these children,” Senator Campbell stated. “We should all be as passionate as Hunter is about making a difference in their lives.”


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