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Seton to Unveil Newly Designed Surgeon’s Tool for Faster, Cleaner Sutures and Better Patient Outcomes

Seton Signs First Licensing Deal with Medical Innovation Labs
WHAT: A ringless needle holder, invented and designed for more efficient suturing during surgeries, is the first medical device of its kind developed and licensed by Seton Healthcare Family. It soon will be made available to surgeons across the U.S.
An exclusive licensing agreement with Medical Innovation Labs (MIL), an Austin company, has been signed to commercialize this new surgical tool. MIL, which commercializes breakthrough medical and clinical research by translating discoveries and inventions into products that meaningfully improve patient care, will have exclusive rights to develop and manufacture the ringless needle holder.
This marks the first time Seton has ventured into medical device invention, intellectual property protection and commercialization, due to the work of Seton’s Innovation and Technology Commercialization Team, formed in 2014.
Seton and MIL will discuss and demonstrate how this new device works and how it will be better for patients.
WHEN:         Noon-1 p.m.
                   Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2016
WHERE:       Operating Room 3
                   Dell Children’s Medical Center of Central Texas
                   4900 Mueller Blvd., Austin, TX
**DIRECTIONS: Park in visitor parking on the east side of Dell Children’s. Come into the main entrance and you’ll be greeted and escorted to the operating room. Bring your ticket to the media event to be validated.
**B-roll video will made available
WHO: Mike Millard, Seton Healthcare Family Executive Director of Innovation & Commercialization
Dr. Steven Henry, Hand and Microneurovascular Surgeon, Seton’s Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery of Central Texas
Dr. Michael Patton, Medical Innovation Labs president and chief executive officer

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