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Sheriff’s Office Announce New Flag Retirement Opportunity In Hays County

Staff Reports

Soon, a dedicated box will be placed in the lobby of the Hays County Sheriff’s Office located at 1303 Uhland Rd. in San Marcos so that US Flags can be securely dropped in.

The department announced the new dedicated box with a guide on how to retire an American flag this week.

According to the United States Flag Code, Title 4, Section 8k, the flag should be retired when it is in such condition that it is “no longer a fitting emblem for display” and should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning it.

“There are many misconceptions about the flag, one being that as soon as it touches the ground, it should be burned or retired. Well, not necessarily,” the sheriff’s office said. “Sure, keeping your flag aloft is ideal, but it doesn’t mean it is automatically doomed to retire if it touches the ground. You should clean it and make sure there are no tears, rips, or soils, and then place it back up on the flag pole.”

The Hays County Sheriff’s Office has teamed up with the National Association of Counties to provide a place to deposit retired United States Flags.

Citizens of Hays County can bring the flags to the Sheriff’s Office, or, flags may be handed to any Hays County Sheriff’s Office Deputy to be brought and dropped in the box on your behalf.

Residents can also drop-off or retire flags at the flag retirement pit and dropbox at the Buda Veterans Memorial.

These flags will be collected and retired properly according to the United States Flag Code.

If residents have any questions, call the Hays County Sheriff’s Office Community Outreach Unit at 512-393-7373.

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