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SMCISD Board Of Trustees Elect New Board President

Staff Reports

On June 17, the San Marcos Consolidated Independent Board of Trustees voted unanimously to appoint Trustee John McGlothlin as board president.

Board Trustee Clementine Cantu has served as President since she was first elected to the School Board.

According to SMCISD’s website, Cantu was first elected in 2016 and has 47 years of educational experience as a teacher, counselor, librarian, and public school and university administrator.

Trustee Juan Miguel Arredondo nominated Cantu to continue serving as board president. However, Cantu declined the nomination.

Cantu thanked Arredondo for the nomination and said, “I have enjoyed serving as president, and I know that it’s a difficult decision to stand back and let someone else take it over. I’m going to decline the nomination, and I think that if the next board president is as good as I think he can be, I think that we can have a good vote right now.”

McGlothlin is in his second term. Under Cantu’s leadership, he served as vice president of the board.

McGlothlin and Cantu will now switch places as Cantu was unanimously voted Vice President of the board under McGlothlin’s leadership.


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