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SMCISD Teacher Selected As A 2016 Rural Trust Global Teacher Fellow

Dr. Yvette Cantú Selected as a 2016 Rural Trust Global Teacher Fellow


Dr. Yvette Cantú, Gifted and Talented Facilitator at Travis Elementary, has been selected as a 2016 Rural Trust Global Teacher Fellow. This year 31 educators from across the country were selected for this fellowship by the Rural School and Communities Trust. The award provides fellowships to support professional and personal development of teachers in rural communities. The Rural School and Communities Trust encourages teachers to center their learning in an international travel and study experience, out of which they develop interdisciplinary, place-based learning curricula aligned with their specific state and local content standards.


The award includes funding for a self-designed summer learning experience and a two-day place-based learning institute in the fall. As a result, Dr. Cantú will be traveling to Italy this summer. Her in-depth study will be centered on capturing the history, architecture, and culture of this rich land. She plans to use her experiences and new learning to develop a richer and more engaging unit for the 5th grade gifted and talented students district-wide who study structures around the world.


Special thanks go to the Rural School and Communities Trust for selecting and supporting Dr. Cantú in her endeavors. You can learn more about the Global Teacher Fellowship program at www.globalteacherfellowship.ruraledu.org/.


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