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SMEF Announces The 2016 Distinguished Alumni

The San Marcos Education Foundation announces the 2016 Distinguished Alumni for San Marcos High School.

These recipients will be inducted into the Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame this Friday, October 7th.  The event will take place at 4:15-6:30pm in the school library followed by recognition of the honorees during the Rattler Homecoming game.  

CONGRATS to all!

Frank A Arredondo  1989
Connie Laechelin Bagley 1968
Beth Stephens Beck 1974
Melvin Callender   1974
Michelle Cearley Knight 1997
H.C. Kyle, III 1955
Ben Rodriguez 1984
Kharley Bagley Smith 1999
Dr. Clay Sullivan 1970
Elizabeth Ingram Tuttle 1978
Herbert Yarbrough, III 1970
Rebecca Ybarra-Ramirez 1988
Dr. Rosina Ruiz Valle   1974
Raquel Cervantes-Nunez 1999 *Young Alumnus



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