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SMHS Announces College Signing Day And Decision Day Events

 by: Grace Delgadillo, SMHS College & Career Advisor
GenTX Sponsored College Signing Day is May 1st
As seniors all across Texas are preparing for the first steps into their future, GenTX and districts all over the Austin area are coming together to celebrate the students’ hard work and success with College Signing Day. San Marcos High School will be participating and taking 35 students to Huston-Tillotson University to represent the Class of 2015 for GenTX’s College Signing Day where they will be a part of the festivities and statewide celebration.
GenTX Day is a signature event of Generation Texas, a statewide movement to ensure students have the information and inspiration they need to graduate. On and around this day, GenTX tries to promote and build excitement and awareness surrounding the college selection and enrollment process.
San Marcos High School invites you to help us promote the excitement around College Signing Day by wearing a college t-shirt! When teachers and staff wear their shirts, it sends a message to the San Marcos community that we believe in higher education and our students. Help us support, not only those attending the College Signing Day event in Austin, but the entire Rattler Class of 2015.

San Marcos High School’s Decision Day is Friday, May 8th!
Decision Day is an Advise TX, College Advising Corps sponsored event put on by the Advise TX campus adviser. It is a day to celebrate all the hard work and effort the seniors of San Marcos High School have dedicated to applying to college. Soon, the school s students once used to dream of will become their new homes and they will be fulfilling the first steps on to a brighter future.
This event will take place in the Performing Arts Center at San Marcos High School and will begin at 2:00 pm. Those seniors participating will be welcomed by Advise TX adviser, Veronica Molina, followed by Principal Kelli Lopez. Dr. Daniel Brown, the Dean of University College at Texas State University, will be present and acting as guest speaker to remind the students of the importance of their achievement to go on to a college or university. The students will be recognized for their choice of higher education institution and will be provided with prizes and a small reception.
We invite the community, parents, district members, teachers and staff to join this event and support the Class of 2015. All are encouraged to wear their favorite college t-shirt in order to promote an enthusiastic college-going culture and atmosphere.  Help San Marcos High School congratulate the graduating seniors and their decision towards a promising future!

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