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SMHS Policy Debaters Win The 2017 Churchill Classic TFA Tournament

The two day tournament incompossed five preliminary rounds against five other schools from around the state.

The San Marcos High School team of junior Will Hutchinson and sophomore Daisy Obregon placed 1st in Policy Debate at the 2017 Winston Churchill Classic TFA Tournament. 

On their way to victory, Hutchinson and Obregon defeated teams from five different schools from across Texas, and they finished the tournament with an overall record of 7-1. 

This win also gave the team enough points to qualify for the Texas Forensic Association (TFA) State Tournament, which will be held in Dallas on March 9-11, 2017.

According to Speech & Debate Teacher, Davy Holmes, the SMHS Speech and Debate team now has three qualified students for the TFA State Tournament. 

Elizabeth Contreras (senior) qualified for the state competition in Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking at a previous tournament.


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