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Smoke Testing Notice Addressed To Residents

The area being surveyed will be along the Willow Springs Creek, Deer Stand Loop and Hunter’s Hill. The study will involve the opening of manholes in the streets and utility easements.

On March 22-24 inspection crews will be conducting a physical survey of the sanitary sewer system.

The area being surveyed will be along the Willow Springs Creek, Deer Stand Loop and Hunter’s Hill. The study will involve the opening of manholes in the streets and utility easements.

One important task of the survey will be “SMOKE TESTING” of the sewer line to locate any breaks or defects in the sewer system. During this testing, smoke will exit from vent pipes above homes or holes and cracks in the ground due to breaks in the sewer lines. The smoke IS NON-TOXIC, LEAVES NO RESIDUE, AND CREATES NO FIRE HAZARD.

The smoke should not enter your home or office unless you have a plumbing defect or dried up drain traps. To prevent smoke from entering your home or office, please pour water in seldom used drains to fill the trap. Please note, if smoke enters your home, the potential also exists for dangerous sewer gasses to enter your home or office. (Although a rare occurrence, should smoke enter your home or office, we recommend you consult a licensed plumber.)

Field crews have identification badges and will be performing inspections of all manholes in the area. Whenever these lines require investigation, crews will need access to the easements. AT NO TIME WILL FIELD CREWS NEED TO ENTER YOUR BUSINESS OR RESIDENCE. The information gained from this study will be used to repair and improve the sanitary sewer system in your area.


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