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SMPD Participates In Beard Patrol For Testicular Cancer Awareness

San Marcos Police Department and the San Marcos Police Officer’s Association are partnering with the Testicular Cancer Foundation (TCF) on a “No-Shave November Challenge ” – the Beard Patrol. 
Participating officers will grow beards and goatees during the month of November and make a $25 donation to support the TCF.  Employees who can’t grow facial hair may sponsor a participating employee or make a donation in honor of someone fighting a men’s health cancer.
“The Beard Patrol has been widely successful and each year we raise great awareness about this disease as well as much needed funds to fuel our mission, “Matthew Ferstler, Founder/CEO of TCF.
“The San Marcos Police Department has worked side-by-side with organizations like Pink Heals to bring awareness to cancer prevention and treatment,” said Police Chief Chase Stapp.  “We were drawn to this program because testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men 15-35 and it is 99% treatable if caught in Stage 1, so early detection is key.”
In addition to bringing awareness to testicular cancer and men’s health month the department will also provide employees with information about self-exams, diagnosis and treatment of testicular cancer.
All donations raised from the Beard Patrol will go directly to the mission of the TCF to provide awareness and education about testicular cancer.

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