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Snorkeling in Central Texas: A Unique Outdoor Adventure Reopens in the Hill Country

After a two-year hiatus, Snorkel TX finds a new home on the San Marcos River


SAN MARCOS, TX – The outdoor adventure company, Snorkel TX, is once again offering guided snorkel tours, this time on the pristine waters of the San Marcos River. Founded in May 2017, Snorkel TX has already given dozens of tours of the San Marcos River and is the first snorkel tour company in Central Texas. It is the only company of its kind in the Lone Star State.

After partnering with Ben Kvanli of the Olympic Outdoor Center, Snorkel TX now offers 1-hour professionally-guided snorkel tours along a mile-long stretch of the beautiful, crystal-clear San Marcos River. Tour groups can expect to see over 15 different species of fish, turtles, and plants, including the majestic Texas Wild Rice, which only grows in the San Marcos River. Although the river current is calm and water depth only averages 4-5 ft., guests are required to be at least 18 years old and must know how to swim. For $50 per person, guests are provided a snorkel, mask, fins, a snorkel guide, and transportation to and from drop-off points along the river. Snorkel TX also organizes monthly cleanup events where snorkelers can swim part of the route for free if they pick up trash along the river.

These snorkel tours are unlike anything guests have experienced before, the company says. Ari Gootnick, who is a friend of the co-founders and has been scuba diving around the world, said after his first Snorkel TX tour, “You don’t even think this exists, but when you come out… it’s like scuba diving in the Bahamas…” Co-founder Chris Hogue says, “We are offering a totally new way to experience Texas’ aquatic river life. While the phrase ‘snorkeling’ is often associated with reefs, we are actively trying to redefine that. We guide our customers through the rich aquatic life in the San Marcos River at points where the water is totally clear. We even had a friend go on the tour and say it was better than scuba diving in Greece.” While the water visibility of most Texas rivers and coastlines is very poor, the San Marcos River is spring-fed, so the water is crystal clear.

About Snorkel TX:

In 2015, the adventurous spirit of Snorkel TX’s founders (Chris Hogue, Neil Klenk, and Yousef Okasheh) led them to start snorkeling in Barton Creek, amongst other locations in Texas. The three boys began inviting friends to go snorkeling with them, and everyone who joined was struck by the remarkable amount of wildlife they could see. They soon realized a calling to continue revealing these amazing snorkel destinations, so they built a website, launched a Groupon deal, and began giving snorkel tours in Barton Creek under the name Snorkel ATX. After only 3 weeks of giving tours, Austin Parks and Recreation notified the team that they did not have the proper permits to be operating on the creek, and requested that the business cease operations. Now, Snorkel TX has reemerged, this time with all necessary permits and a new home on the San Marcos River. The company outlines their mission with three core values:

Attraction Preservation Education
To be a fun, unique, and lasting Texas attraction. To preserve Texas waterways by organizing monthly river cleanups. To provide information and viewing opportunities of Texas underwater wildlife and water features.

Web presence links:





(Map showing snorkel tour route. Tours start in Sewell Park and end in Rio Vista Park in San Marcos, TX.)


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